Anadigm’s dpASPs (dynamically programmed Analog Signal Processors) provide real time dynamic re-configurability that allows the functionality of the dpASPs to be reconfigured in-system by the designer or on the fly by a microcontroller/processor. A dpASP can be programmed to implement multiple analog functions and/or adapt on the fly to maintain precision operation required by applications that are in real time have changing requirements; such as applications that need true analog processing in signal conditioning, filtering, data acquisition, and closed-loop control.
By using AnadigmDesigner2 EDA software, the designer can construct complex analog functions using configurable analog modules (CAMs) as building blocks. With easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface, the design process can be measured in minuets allowing complete analog systems to be built rapidly, simulated immediately, and then downloaded to the dpASP chip for testing and validation.
Anadigm dpASPs provide the following features:
3.3 volt and 5 volt dynamically reconfigurable devices that share the same input/output structure as our FPAA range.
- Fully differential switched capacitor with analog switch fabric
- Drag and drop circuit design with AnadigmDesigner®2
- Configurable Analog Modules pre-package common analog functions
- AnadigmAssistant™ tools automate design of complex analog applications.
- Automatic C-code generation
- Automatic multiple-chip partitioning and schematic capture
- Bandwidth DC to 2 MHz
- Broadband SNR up to 90 dB
- Narrowband SNR up to 120 dB
- Single-ended to differential and differential converters built-in
- Built-in input/output features include chopper amplifier for low-offset signal and anti-aliasing/supporting filters
Select from the following three Anadigm dpASP devices, each with a distinct feature set.